
The Benefit of Carrying a Registered EPIRB

On an average day in Australian Waters, between 6 to 12 EPIRB’s are activated in an emergency situation. Sunday, the 14th of February was no exception with two rescues within 24 hours on the opposite ends of Tasmania with one being the crew of a Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race entrant.

The entire crew were rescued after their yacht, the Hollywood Boulevard, began taking on water about 150 kilometres off-shore from Flinders Island. Victorian Police, Ambulance Victoria and a civilian Car Transport ship joined the rescue after the crew activated their Emergency Beacon.

Within 24 hours, on the other side of Tasmania, a couple from Noumea were rescued by Tasmania Police with the assistance of a tender craft from the cruise ship, Coral Discoverer as their 12 metre yacht, Claire de Lune ran into some shallow rocks at the base of the clips at Cape Raoul.

The Coral Discoverer was at anchor in nearby Port Arthur and responded with the Tasmanian Westpac Rescue Helicopter joining the efforts soon after.
Sergeant John Pratt of the Tasmanian Police Marine Division said “The incident highlights the benefit of carrying a registered EPIRB, having a working marine VHF radio and carrying all mandatory safety equipment when conducting boating activities”.

Now is a great time to ensure you have an up-to-date and registered EPIRB. Check out our website for more information on where to get yourself a new EPIRB and how to register it.